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  • Daniel Knop

Focus Stacking – What magnification ratios do I need?

Microscope objectives enable extremely high magnification ratios when using the focus stacking technique. But which of these magnifications are truly practical for specific cases? After all, high-quality objectives can be quite expensive, mostly increasing in price with greater magnification. Additionally, working with higher magnifications becomes significantly more challenging.

Two extremely enlarged pollen of a hibiscus blossom almost fill the picture against a black background, with a yellow hibiscus blossom cropped as a clipping at the top right and a clipping at the bottom left showing numerous different lenses against a white background
Not everyone who practices focus stacking with microscope objectives needs to pursue the highest magnifications. Especially for beginners, starting with lower magnification ratios can make the process considerably easier (in the photo Hibiscus flower 1:2 and two Hibiscus pollen on the tip of an acupuncture needle 50:1, on the left various lenses for macro and micro photography)

Not everyone who practices focus stacking with microscope objectives needs to pursue the highest magnifications. Especially for beginners, starting with lower magnification ratios can make the process considerably easier (in the photo Hibiscus flower 1:2 and Hibiscus pollen on the tip of an acupuncture needle 50:1 and various lenses for macro and micro photography)

Two extremely enlarged pollen of a hibiscus blossom almost fill the picture against a black background, with a yellow hibiscus blossom cropped as a clipping at the top right and a clipping at the bottom left showing numerous different lenses against a white background

The focus stacking technique has developed over the past two decades and has gained popularity among macro and micro photographers worldwide. Today, it allows us to capture delicate details in animals, plants, electronic components, and many other subjects with far greater precision and sharpness than was previously possible. This advancement is so significant that it essentially bridges the gap between macro photography and electron microscopy.

Some beginners develop ambitious goals, wanting to capture ever more detailed structures on insect bodies and push the boundaries of what's possible. While there's nothing inherently wrong with that, it’s important to note that even moderate magnifications with a microscope objective can render your subject extremely detailed. For example, if you compare an image of a fly taken with a microscope objective like the Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x or HLB Plan Apo 5x to a photo of the same fly taken with a conventional camera lens at the same magnification—such as the Canon MPE 65 macro lens at 5:1—the resolution advantage of the microscope objective is immense. However, you can only truly appreciate this difference when you scale up the image and view it in larger detail. Nevertheless, the depth of field with a microscope objective is so much shallower that without focus stacking, you won't achieve a usable image.

Combination of two pairs of images, the one on the left shows a yellow hibiscus flower against a black background at the top and below the 100 mm camera lens used to create it, the one on the right it shows a central section of this flower at the top and the 100 mm film scanner lens used to create it below
Left: Hibiscus blossom: scale 1:2 or 0.5x, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, macro lens Canon RF 100 2.8 macro, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 30 frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon. Right: Central section of a hibiscus flower: scale 1:1 or 1x, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, Scanner Nikkor ED 100 (14 lenses), 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 30 frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

Combination of two pairs of images, the one on the left shows a small section of the hibiscus flower at the top and below the 5x microscope objective with which it was created, the one on the right shows an even smaller section of this flower at the top and the 10x microscope objective below with which it was created
Left: Central section of a hibiscus flower: scale 3:1, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x objective, Raynox DCR 250 tube lens, 125 mm focusing distance, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 100 single exposures, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon. Right: Central section of a hibiscus flower: scale 6:1, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 10x objective, Raynox DCR 250 tube lens, 125 mm focusing distance, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 150 single images, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

Combination of two pairs of images, the one on the left shows a tiny section of a Hibiscus pistil with pollen at the top and below the 20x microscope objective with which it was created, the one on the right shows a single Hibiscus pollen at the top in front of a leaf of the Hibiscus flower as background and below the 50x microscope objective with which it was created
Left: Part of the pistil of a hibiscus flower: scale 20:1, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, objective HLB Plan Apo 20x, tube lens nameless (chin. ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 200 single frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon. Right: a single pollen of a Hibiscus flower with a part of the petal in the background: scale 50:1, Canon R3, electron. Shutter, objective HLB Plan Apo 50x, tube lens nameless (chin. ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 250 single frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

Less is more

A moderate magnification ratio of 5x offers many advantages over higher ratios like 20x or even 50x. One advantage is that you can capture a larger portion of an insect's body or even the entire insect. A tiny detail separately captured with high magnification doesn't show the whole object. For instance, if you only have an image of an insect’s foot at an extremely high magnification with precise detail, the context of the entire insect is lost. Only with this context can you truly appreciate the scale of the magnification, and this is what makes such detailed images impactful. Lower magnification ratios reveal much more, often showing a large part of the insect's body or even the entire insect, which is often more appealing to many viewers than a tiny section with nearly electron-microscopic precision.

Another benefit of smaller magnification ratios, particularly for beginners, is the reduced tendency for artifacts. Artifacts are imaging errors that disrupt the photo in some way and create an unintended difference from the subject being photographed. These can include blurry, fog-like fringes around a contour or oddly shaped spots that frequently appear throughout the image. Sometimes, a structure that should be behind another appears in front in the final image, and it's transparent (I plan to discuss the topic of artifacts in more detail in a separate article). The likelihood of artifacts increases significantly with higher magnification ratios, and if you’re not expecting them, they can quickly spoil your enjoyment of this wonderful photography hobby. This is especially frustrating if you’ve spent a lot of money on a highly magnifying microscope objective as a beginner.

Start with lower magnification ratios

Therefore, as a beginner, you should start with lower magnification ratios and gain your first experiences there. A 5x ratio is an excellent starting point, and 10x is a good next step. Working through a variety of subjects at these magnifications can yield a surprisingly steep learning curve, and after a year, you’ll have gained a lot of experience.

Before purchasing expensive, high-magnification optics, you should be fully aware of the difficulties you’ll face as magnification increases, as you’ll pay a high price not just in monetary terms. The work with microscope objectives generally becomes more challenging as magnification increases. This not only applies to the mentioned imaging errors, the artifacts, but also to the decreasing depth of field. This means you’ll need more individual images, which in turn increases the risk of artifacts.

adhering to its surface and a clinker with the inscription ‘5 x’ at the bottom left.
Hibiscus pollen on the compound eye of a fly: magnification 5x (for comparison with 10x, 20x and 50x). Canon R3, electron. Shutter, Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 5x, tube lens unnamed (Chinese ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 50 single exposures, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.
The picture shows the upper half of the fly's head covered with yellow pollen and a clinker with the inscription ‘10 x’ at the bottom left
Hibiscus pollen on the compound eye of a fly: magnification 10x (for comparison with 5x, 20x and 50x). Canon R3, electron. Shutter, Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 10x, unnamed tube lens (Chinese ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 100 single exposures, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.
The picture shows the upper half of the compound eye of a fly with yellow pollen on it and a clinker with the inscription ‘20 x’ at the bottom left
Hibiscus pollen on the compound eye of a fly: magnification 20x (for comparison with 5x, 10x and 50x). Canon R3, electron. Shutter, HLB Plan Apo 20x, tube lens nameless (chin. ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 150 single frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

he picture shows a single Hibiscus flower pollen lying on the compound eye of a fly, of which only a tiny part is visible. At the bottom left is a clinker labelled ‘50 x’.
Hibiscus pollen on the compound eye of a fly: magnification 50x (for comparison with 5x, 10x and 20x). Canon R3, electron. Shutter, HLB Plan Apo 50x, tube lens nameless (chin. ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x LED Godox SL 60W, 250 single frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

Any shortcomings in your focus stacking setup or working procedure will also become more apparent as the magnification increases. I remember a workshop visitor who had difficulties with a certain high magnification microscope objective because the focus stacking images he produced with that always were kind of blurry and out of focus. At lower magnifications, on the other hand, he had no focus problems. This led to the assumption that both the technical focus stacking setup and the working procedure must be in order. Only the objective could be at fault, e.g. due to a single lens that had shifted slightly as a result of a bump, which could of course cost sharpness. However, it turned out that the problem was very different: he had his computer on the same table as the focus stacking setup. The vibrations created by the Windows computer - presumably from the cooling fans - did not yet lead to visible changes in the image at lower magnification scales. With higher magnification lenses, however, this resulted in significant blurring that could not be influenced by any other measures. Only moving the computer to the floor solved this problem quite abruptly. This shows how intolerant microscope objectives with high magnification scales usually are.

Also, any mechanical tolerances in your focus stacking setup that go unnoticed at lower magnifications can become ruthlessly apparent at higher magnifications and ruin your images because the laws of physics are unforgiving.

Another consideration is lighting. The light requirements of a 50x objective are enormous, and if you’re working with LED lamps, you may need a camera capable of producing noise-free images even at very high ISO settings. 50x is essentially the „royal class" where you have to pull out all the stops. Each good microphoto you take requires significantly more setup time, technical equipment, and experience. My HLB Plan Apo 50x is a diva that demands perfection in every aspect, while its smaller 20x sibling is also demanding but noticeably more forgiving. In comparison, good photos can be taken with the 5x and 10x objectives almost effortlessly—ideal conditions for starting without frustration.

The picture shows a single, yellow Hibiscus flower pollen, which was photographed in such detail that it fills the picture. It is located on the compound eye of a fly, but only a few of the ommatidia can be seen.
Hibiscus pollen on the compound eye of a fly: 50:1, after massive all-round cropping scale approx. 100:1 (plus possible scaling on your computer display), Canon R3, electron. Shutter, objective HLB Plan Apo 50x, tube lens nameless (chin. ITL200 copy), focusing distance 180 mm, 2 x flash Godox MS 200V, 250 single frames, Novoflex Castel micro, Helicon.

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Aug 23

Reading your blog I see you use 2x Godox SL60W.

As we both know to eliminate even delicate vibrations when 20x or 50x are being used there are two ways:

1. Flashes

2. Continuous light with but with fast shutter.

With flashes (either with OM-1 or Sony A7R2) the shortest shutter time is 1/250s. I think sometimes it might be too long for very tiny objects (please see structure of slime mold on picture I attached).

Alternative is strong continuous light and faster shutter (eg. 1/500 or even 1/1000 s).

My question is: How fast shutter with acceptable low ISO (eg. 100 or lower) are you able to obtain with SL60W ?


Aug 23

Reading your blog I see you use 2x Godox SL60W.

As we both know to eliminate even delicate vibrations when 20x or 50x are being used there are two ways:

1. Flashes

2. Continuous light with but with fast shutter.

With flashes (either with OM-1 or Sony A7R2) the shortest shutter time is 1/250s. I think sometimes it might be too long for very tiny objects (please see structure of slime mold on picture I attached).

Alternative is strong continuous light and faster shutter (eg. 1/500 or even 1/1000 s).

My question is: How fast shutter with acceptable low ISO (eg. 100 or lower) are you able to obtain with SL60W ?

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